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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Pro-Life Audio Resources II

Click here to catch Msgr. Cyprien Lacroix, archbishop of Quebec City, being interviewed and addressing issues related to promoting a culture of life.

The Primate of Canada emphasized that parochial and sacremental tasks are needed to foster a more Christ-centered view which in turn will bring about greater respect for life in our society.

The hour-long interview was conducted by Fathers Tom Lynch and John Lemire, animators at Priests for Life Canada. The Priest for Life Canada home page may be found here.

This is part of an on-going series that interviews movers and shakers of the canadian pro-life movement. Previous guests include Alex Schadenberg (Managing Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition), Michele Smillie (Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Vancouver), and Monica Roddis (Life Canada). These and other interviews may be found here.

The live radio broadcast is done on the first Tuesday of each month, airing on Rado Teopoli - 530 AM. On the other hand, the recording may be heard at any time thereafter.

Free CD recordings are also available and may be useful for instructional purposes.


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