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Quebec Life Coalition defends the human person from conception until natural death.



Poor Logic

I wonder if someone can point out to Isabelle Maréchal the inconsistency in her editorial endorsing assisted suicide in today's Journal de Montréal.

I see a couple of flaws.

At the outset she rightly laments the present deplorable state of our elderly population right here in La belle province.

  • Lack of humane treatment in our hospitals and long term health facilities.
  • Many suffering from loneliness.
  • Rising suicide statistics.

Yet she endorses a permanent solution - assisted suicide, to a temporary problem.

Even more baffling in her logic is the inconsistency of her claims. First she expresses her empathy for persons she does not know.  Rightly so. We live in a community and have cares and concerns for our fellow human beings, be these be beggars in our Metro or our dear family members.

Yet the inconstency in her logic arises in her concluding thoughts. Seemingly oblivious to the compassion she has just endorsed, she argues that she is prepared to end her own life if a deplorable quality of life warrants it.

Vivat l'individualismum!

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